Director, City Development, Report PLN 10-16
Cultural Heritage Evaluations for Heritage Lots located in the Seaton Urban Area
The map below identifies the properties in question:
Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes from Monday, June 20, 2016
Discussion ensued with respect to the designation process. Members also sought clarification on the designation for 750 Whitevale Road.
Moved by Mayor Ryan
Seconded by Councillor Johnson
- That Council endorse the recommendations of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee to designate the following properties under Section 29 (Part IV) of the Ontario Heritage Act:
3250 Sideline 28
940 Whitevale Road
1200 Whitevale Road
3215 Sideline 28
3185 Sideline 26
1390 Whitevale Road
750 Whitevale Road
1125 Whitevale Road
3285 Sideline 20
- That Council authorize staff to prepare the appropriate heritage materials, including notices and designating by-laws, and report back to Council at a future date;
- That, with respect to the former Whitevale school property located at 3215 Sideline 28, Council authorize staff: to investigate the use of the property for a municipal purpose once the tenant is no longer residing on the property; to enter into discussions with Infrastructure Ontario and the current tenant regarding the future ownership and use of the many artifacts associated to the former school; and to report back to Council on these matters;
- That Council authorize staff to prepare a reference plan to illustrate the appropriate size and configuration to retain the heritage context of the stone house located at 750 Whitevale Road;
- That Council request Infrastructure Ontario to manage the properties in compliance with the Standards & Guidelines for Conservation of Provincial Heritage properties; and
- That a copy of this Report and Council’s Resolution be forwarded to Infrastructure Ontario, the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, and the Whitevale and District Residents’ Association, and the owners of 3285 Sideline 20 (Francis and Jennifer Dempsey).
Additional Info from the Planning & Development Committee Agenda for Monday, June 20, 2016
The property located at 615 Whitevale Road, was included in one of Infrastructure Ontario Class B Environmental Assessments for demolition. The heritage evaluation for the property was completed first and reported on at the September 2015 meeting of Council. At that meeting, Council endorsed the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee recommendations opposing demolition and recommending designation of 615 Whitevale Road under Section 29 (Part IV) of the Ontario Heritage Act.