Director, City Development, Report PLN 04-15
Infrastructure Ontario
Class B Environmental Assessment for the Demolition of Structures Located in the Seaton Urban Area and the Hamlet of Whitevale
The map below identifies the properties in question:
Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes from Monday, May 11, 2015
A brief discussion ensued with respect to timelines for the remaining six reports still under review.
Moved by Councillor Pickles
Seconded by Mayor Ryan
- That Report PLN 04-15 of the Director, City Development, regarding the Infrastructure Ontario Class B Environmental Assessment for the demolition of buildings located in the Seaton Urban Area and the Hamlet of Whitevale be received;
- That Council, in response to the Infrastructure Ontario Class B Environmental Assessment object to the demolition of buildings located at 825, 1130 and 1450 Whitevale Road, 3440 Brock Road, and 2865 Sideline 16 which is designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act;
825 Whitevale Road
1130 Whitevale Road
1450 Whitevale Road
3440 Brock Road
2865 Sideline16
- That Council endorse the recommendations of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee to designate 825, 1130 and 1450 Whitevale Road under Part IV, of the Ontario Heritage Act; and that Staff be authorized to prepare the appropriate materials and report back to Council at a future date;
- That Council not object to the demolition of buildings located at 3185 Brock Road, 3540 Country Lane, 1710 Whitevale Road and 325 Hwy 7;
- That Council request an extension of another 120 days to the commenting deadline to allow the City to expand the Preliminary Reports to Full Heritage Assessments for the buildings located at 1050 Whitevale Road, 3280 Sideline 16, 3490 Brock Road and 1740 Fifth Concession, and to complete the Full Assessments already underway for 498 and 650 Whitevale Road;
- That Council express its strong dismay at the Province for its disregard of significant heritage resources in Seaton through the lack of maintenance and occupancy of such resources, in contravention of the Provincial Policy Statement, and request the Province to restore and reuse these structures;
- That, if the Province continues with proposed demolition of significant heritage resources, Council request the buildings be recorded in the form of photographs and/or measured drawings, the documentation of the buildings be provided to the City, and exterior or interior heritage features be made available for salvage to interested parties prior to any demolition; and
- Further, that a copy of this Report and Council’s Resolution be forwarded to: the Premier of Ontario; Infrastructure Ontario; the Minister of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure; the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, and the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing; and the Whitevale and District Residents’ Association.