By now all households should have been contacted by a representative from WSP regarding the testing of Hamlet wells in order to establish a “pre-Seaton” baseline in terms of quantity and quality.
The WSP representative has agreed to meet with residents on July 6, 8:00 pm at the Whitevale Community Centre in order to answer our questions so that we can all make an informed decision prior to agreeing to take part. In preparation for the meeting with the consultant/Region, the Water Preservation Committee is working to develop a list of questions to be addressed by WSP/Durham Region. This list of questions will be provided to the consultant in advance of the July 6th meeting with them.
Groundwater Resources
Below are some useful references related to well water quality and quantity.
1) MOE Well Records Map
2) CTC Source Protection
3) Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality
4) Well Water Quality FAQs
5) Well Water Testing