Whitevale Master Drainage Plan – Recommendations

The recommended Master Drainage Plan for the Study Area consists of a combination of improvement measures to address flooding, erosion and water quality issues. This section outlines the elements of the Master Drainage Plan and the process for their implementation.

Elements of the Master Plan

The elements of the Master Plan include the measures selected as described in Section 5 as well as a list of additional recommendations. These elements are summarized below and the corresponding MEA Class EA Schedule, if applicable, is also included.

Whitevale Road (East) – Alternative # 2 Rural Reconstruction
This alternative will replace the existing road with a new paved rural cross-section and grass ditches, similar to the current road width. Further, the road profile will be adjusted to establish proper drainage and minimize flooding of adjacent properties. A new storm sewer will also be constructed, with properly spaced ditch inlets to prevent surface flooding and erosion. The MEA Class EA document classifies these works as Schedule A+ undertakings. Additional details and recommendations associated with the preferred solution are described on Figure F-6 in Appendix F.

Local Residential Roads – Alternative # 2 Local Road Improvements
This alternative will maintain the existing unpaved rural cross-section and will carry out local grading works (i.e., profile, road crown, ditches, etc.) to re-establish proper drainage and minimize flooding of adjacent properties. Regular maintenance will also be required for this alternative. The MEA Class EA document classifies these works as Schedule A undertakings. Additional details and recommendations associated with the preferred solution are described on Figure F-7 in Appendix F.

Intermittent Drainage Feature – Alternative # 5 Storm Flow Diversion to Whitevale Road Storm
The selected alternative will include minor re-grading the roadside ditch on the east side of North Road to accommodate a portion of the flood flows from the catchment area to the north of the Study Area. New driveway culverts and a new storm inlet to the Whitevale Road storm sewer will be constructed and the proposed Whitevale Road storm sewer (refer to Section 6.1.1) will be increased in size to accommodate the additional peak flows from North Road. The existing culvert crossing at North Road will also be replaced in order to convey low flows to the existing drainage feature. The MEA Class EA document classifies these works as Schedule A+ undertakings. Additional details and recommendations associated with the preferred solution are also included on Figure F-7 in Appendix F.

Additional Surface Drainage & Erosion Improvements
In addition to the preferred solution, a number of additional minor recommendations are proposed to further improve the drainage system deficiencies observed within the Study Area. Recommendations are made for two additional areas; Whitevale Road (West); and North Road which are both considered Schedule A undertakings.

From the “Whitevale Master Drainage Plan – Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Report” (March 2013)


Author - Ronald Lawrence